Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's been a while ... Peyton's 10 months old!

I know, I know ... it's been a while! I don't know what caught up with me. We have been very busy, but that's no excuse! ;) So much has happen within the last 2 months. Where do I even start?!

Peyton is now WALKING!! Yes, walking. It may be one of the cutest things you have ever seen, not to mention one of my proudest moments to date:) If you are a parent, you completely understand how proud you are everyday of your child, but the day that they take their first steps, and then figure it all out and actually start walking is amazing!!! It was so neat to see her take a few steps, fall, and get up and try again! She is a VERY tough little girl. She began taking 1-2 steps when she was just over 9 months old, and by Dec 6th (her 10 month birthday) she was taking 10 steps at a time, sitting down or crawling for a bit and then getting up and doing it again! Now, she is a full on walker! YAY for Peyton!

Another thing that blows my mind about our daughter, I know I am bias, but I think she takes after her dad and is VERY smart! She already says 10 words. Not only does she say the words, but she knows how and when to use them. At first I thought this was pretty normal, as I don't have any other children, but then seeing others amazement when she says them .... I think I may be wrong! Here are a few things that she says:

Mama (1st word)
Daisy (my parents dog, and now thinks every dog/puppy is "Daisy")
Nigh (night ... just can't pronounce the "T")
Ta-Ta (please & thank you ... not used ALL the time)

What else? Mmmmmm ... Oh, she has 4 ... almost 5 teeth now! The first tooth that she cut, I didn't even notice. Here I have been dreading the whole teething thing, thinking that it is going to be a horrible experience for the both of us. Yet, she didn't even seem that different with the first one and the forth one. The two in between were a little rough, but nothing to the level of what I was expecting!

So, seeing that Christmas is just around the corner, and it is Peyton's FIRST Christmas. We decided to take her to see Santa. I have to explain and Peyton LOVES Santa, or so we thought! Everything little Santa figurine, Santa show, anything to do with Santa she loves. She calls him Tan-ta, and squeals at the sight or sound of him. She also, when you ask her what Santa says bobs up and down 3 times and puts her mouth in the "HO" shape. Nothing comes out but it is SO cute!! So, here I am thinking that she is going to be so excited to see Santa in real life and I am going to prove my mom wrong that she is going to scream like most other children! I WAS WRONG!! She HATED Santa and screamed bloody murder! Poor thing was SO devastated!! She still loves anything Santa ... just not the real one! :)

Here are a few pictures from the past couple months .... ENJOY!!

Next post, I promise for it not to take so long! :)