Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Peyton's Room UPDATED!

My mom and I (and Chris for the building of the furniture) have been working really hard on Peyton's Room and it is really coming together now! I've had a picture in my head of our daughters room since before I was even pregnant (surprise surprise!) and just to see it come together exactly how I have pictured is amazing! I am so happy with the way it turned out and can not wait to put our little one in there! I hope she loves it just as much as I do :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

30 Weeks & Counting!

I am 30 weeks pregnant today! YAY! I don't know why but 30 weeks seems like a HUGE milestone for me! I am very excited about it! Chris and I have started pre-natal classes and we go every Thursday night! So far we are really enjoying them and learning a few great tips! We have a dr appt on Friday and then after this one we start going every TWO WEEKS! This means we're getting close!

Monday, November 5, 2007

28 Weeks

I haven't posted in a while but my tummy is getting bigger and bigger by the day, as you can tell by the stretch marks in this picture! The last dr appt went really well and I am exactly on track of where I need to be. Peyton is growing and is very healthy! :) We are counting down the days until we get to meet our little princess ... it seems so close but yet so far.